NewYork update on the numbers: Total COVID hospitalizations are at 7,342. Of the 285,499 tests reported yesterday, 10,099 were positive (3.54% of total).
Cuomo reopens New York City indoor dining early
Gov. Andrew Cuomo today announced on Monday, Feb. 8that New York City indoor dining can reopen at 25% capacity on Feb. 12, Lunar New Year Day. The reopening was previously scheduled for Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, but resta urants requested an earlier reopening date to allow staff to prepare and […]
Latimer announces upgrades at county airport
When Westchester County Executive George Latimer took office in 2018, he pledged to find solutions to some of the most pressing challenges at the Westchester County Airport. To that end, Latimer announced that the upgrading of all the permanent airport noise monitors has been completed and integrated with the complaint […]
Updated COVID numbers for New York
Today’s update on the numbers: Total COVID hospitalizations are at 8,082. Of the 126,489 tests reported yesterday, 5,925 were positive (4.68% of total).
State ramps up Covid-19 vaccine distribution
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Jan. 24 updated New Yorkers on the state’s vaccination program. The total week 6 federal allocation of vaccine delivery to providers was completed last Sunday. Delivery of the week 7 allocation from the federal government does not begin until the middle of this week. As of […]