Having already been furloughed by a boss in the twilight of his career and a global pandemic wreaking havoc, Jaime O’Neill started to mull his future. “I had a third child on the way in July [2020], and I was not in a place to be unemployed,” he said. The […]
County board begins police reform review
The Westchester County Board of Legislators has begun its formal review of the county’s Police Reform and Reimagining Task Force report, with plans to adopt a police reinvention document by March 22. The review is being led by the board’s Committee on Public Safety, which met Monday, Feb. 15 to […]
Snowfalls bring winter sports back to county parks
Dig out your skis and dust off your sleds, recent snowstorms and low temperatures have created conditions for winter sports at Westchester County Parks. “It’s been a few years since we’ve seen so much snow in Westchester,” County Executive George Latimer. “This year you won’t have to travel far for […]
Westchester delivers joint legislative package to state
On Friday, Feb. 12, Westchester County Executive George Latimer and the county Board of Legislators delivered the 2021 Westchester County Joint State Legislative Package to Westchester’s New York State Assembly and Senate delegation. The package is a list of state actions that the county executive and the board are asking […]
County Police Reform Task Force issues report
Following a historic year shining the light on long standing injustices in our nation, Westchester County Executive George Latimer announced the formation of the Westchester County Police Reform and Reimagining Task Force in early June. After seven months of intensive collaboration his task force is now issuing the report required […]