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New York State updates COVID-19 quarantine guidelines

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Dec. 30 updated quarantine guidelines for New York which are consistent with the latest Centers for Disease Control guidance. Under the new guidelines, individuals exposed to COVID-19 can end their quarantine after 10 days without a testing requirement as long as no symptoms have […]

Community Lead Stories

County makes history, establishes 3 new youth bureaus

Westchester County Executive George Latimer and the Westchester County Youth Bureau are pleased to announce the establishment of the Ossining Youth Bureau and the reestablishment of the Port Chester and Yonkers youth bureaus. “Across the county generations of parents, young adults, and youth have benefitted from Youth Bureaus,” County Executive […]

Lead Stories News

New York state COVID-19 vaccine distribution information

New York state began receiving its first deliveries of COVID-19 doses last week and the first New Yorkers have already begun to be vaccinated. For more information about the vaccines and their distribution in New York, visit: www.ny.gov/vaccine. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has laid out the following guidelines for the distribution […]

Community Lead Stories

County police to increase enforcement

Westchester County police will be conducting increased enforcement through New Year’s Day to curb speeding, aggressive driving and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  “Our goal as always is to do everything we can to keep Westchester’s parkways safe for those who will be traveling on them during […]

Community Lead Stories

8 new police officers sworn into county police ranks

Eight new police officers were sworn into the ranks of the Westchester County Police last week by County Executive George Latimer and Public Safety Commissioner Thomas A. Gleason. The eight officers have previous police experience and transferred to the Department of Public Safety from three municipal police departments in Westchester. […]