After months of uncertainty surrounding the feasibility of conducting “high-risk” high school sports, Section I basketball kicked off in earnest on Feb. 15, as dozens of teams hit the hardwood for their first taste of game action in nearly a year. And even though area hoopsters will need some time […]
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Lions, Sedona team to support CRC eviction protection
The Larchmont Mamaroneck Lions joined with Mamaroneck’s Sedona Tap House Monday’s Dine Out for Charity to raise funds for the Community Resource Center’s eviction relief program. During the current coronavirus rent moratorium, the Community Resource Center, CRC, has been working with our communities at risk households to keep them in […]
Westchester’s food recycling program makes impact
When Westchester County Executive George Latimer announced the launch of the Department of Environmental Facility’s new Residential Food Scrap Transportation and Disposal, RFSTAD, program, he emphasized that one of the goals was to design a program that would make sense, both environmentally and financially, for municipalities that were not already […]
County partners with Lightpath to boost Launch1000 program
The Westchester County Department of Economic Development has partnered with Lightpath, the fiber-based bandwidth technology company, to provide 100 free data licenses to participants in the Launch1000 program. These free internet hookups, made possible by the generous support of Lightpath, will provide many entrepreneurs in Westchester with the connectivity needed […]
Cuomo reopens New York City indoor dining early
Gov. Andrew Cuomo today announced on Monday, Feb. 8that New York City indoor dining can reopen at 25% capacity on Feb. 12, Lunar New Year Day. The reopening was previously scheduled for Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, but resta urants requested an earlier reopening date to allow staff to prepare and […]