Gilda’s Club Westchester is excited to announce the 2021 Teen Cancer Story Contest, open to teens, aged 13-17, in the Westchester, Rockland, and Fairfield counties who want to share their story. We are looking for original, honest, detailed and heartfelt multimedia submissions by local teens who have been impacted by […]
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Health Department issues guidance on sports spectators
The Westchester County Health Department has issued guidance on the New York State requirements for spectators at school and recreation sports. The most dramatic change is that student-athletes are now allowed to have two spectators at sporting events, as long as social distancing can still be accomplished and occupancy is […]
Why experts say a good mood can lead to good health
Understand that laughter feels good, while anger feels awful. But it does take one to explain why one of these feelings can boost the immune system, while the other can wear it down, damage the heart and increase the risk for dementia. Simply put: “Mood can influence your health,” said […]
Rye Country Day teacher continues art lessons during pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has created immense hurdles for art educators. Rye Country Day School art instructor Lauren Behar deserves recognition for her commitment to art education and desire to continue to exercise her students’ creativity under extraordinary circumstances. A year ago, Behar could not have imagined all the struggles she […]
Five things to know about Colorectal Cancer, prevention
Though largely preventable, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S., as the American Cancer Society,ACS, alarms. Younger people are at risk for getting the disease—the ACS estimates that in 2021 approximately 10.3% of new colorectal cancers occur in people under age 50. “Colorectal cancer […]