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Community Lead Stories

Latimer, Rocah announce funding for interpreter services

Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah and Westchester County Executive George Latimer announced May 19 that the county will provide funding for local Westchester police departments to access real-time interpreter services through Language Line.  The move will allow law enforcement agencies to better serve residents, witnesses and crime victims […]

Community Lead Stories

Latimer: ‘The State of our County is stronger’

Westchester County Executive George Latimer delivered his fourth State of the County Address in the Legislative Chambers of the Board of Legislators. Latimer acknowledged that COVID-19 has taken a toll on the county, but promised through good government, to restore and rebuild Westchester back better than it was before. “Look […]

Lead Stories News

Keeping the lights on in the post Indian Point era

By JOHN RAVITZ and RICHARD ELLENBOGEN Sixty years after first opening, the end has come to nuclear power generation at Indian Point.  April 30 saw the shutdown of the final operating unit at the Energy Center.  The moment is being celebrated as a major victory by long-time opponents, who virtually […]

Community Lead Stories

COVID leads art transformation

COVID-19 has profoundly changed the contours of our daily lives.  At this time of great loss and physical distancing, many of us have turned to creative outlets to help us cope, express our anguish, and gain agency when we feel helpless.  “Together apART: Creating During COVID” features more than 250 […]