Lead Stories

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Education Lead Stories

$2.2M in food assistance for school children

On June 13, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced an estimated $2.2 billion in federal food assistance for children in New York State that were unable to access free school meals due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Administered by the state Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer […]

Community Lead Stories

Impact100 Westchester announces grant winners

Impact100 Westchester, a women’s collective giving organization engaging women in philanthropy, just completed its eighth grant cycle. With 306 members in 2021, Impact100 awarded $306,000 to Westchester nonprofits, including two Transformational Project Grants of $85,000 each, four $26,500 Core Mission Grants and $30,000 in Focus Area Awards to four organizations. […]

Lead Stories News

COVID-19 wastewater treatment study updated

As of mid-May, the trends from a nearly year-long COVID-19 study at all seven Westchester County Wastewater Treatment plants collectively continue to decrease significantly week after week. These levels are as low as they were in mid-September of last year. Since early in the pandemic, the Westchester County Department of […]

Lead Stories News

Local property recommended for state historic list

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Friday, June 11 that the state Board for Historic Preservation has recommended adding 15 properties to the State and National Registers of Historic Places, including a Staten Island family cemetery created for Gilded Age America’s richest man, the oldest existing Muslim mosque in New York […]