Lead Stories

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Features Lead Stories

The interview with Natalia Vashakidze

In the modern world, every year more and more people become victims of violence. The number of people who experience physical, sexual, or psychological violence every day is much higher. It should be noted that as the number of interpersonal violence increases, women as well as the elderly and adolescents […]

Lead Stories Sports

Baseball tops Suffern in thriller

With a host of new faces in the lineup, it’s no surprise that it’s going to be “all hands on deck” for the New Rochelle Huguenots this spring. On March 30, the Huguenots put that philosophy to the test against visiting Suffern in a big way, rallying in extra innings […]

Features Lead Stories

Preparing Your Young Child for Surgery

Dr. Dominique M. Jan and Dr. Steven Borenstein, Pediatric Surgery The prospect of undergoing a surgery can be daunting for anyone, but can be especially so for children. Babies and toddlers lack the understanding of what is really going on – which can itself be frightening – while older children, […]

Lead Stories Sports

Huguenots win first-ever flag football game

March 20 would turn out to be a historic day for New Rochelle High School, as McKenna Field played home the first-year varsity flag football team’s program opening game. Fortunately for the Huguenots, they day would also see New Rochelle’s first win, as the hosts topped Carmel 19-7.  The Rams […]