Lead Stories

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Community Lead Stories

Business, industry leaders ‘Reimagine Westchester’

Experts worldwide agree the biggest trends impacting commercial real estate are e-commerce, cannabis legalization, adaptive reuse and alternative sectors such as biosciences. As the business hub of the Hudson Valley, Westchester County is poised to gain tremendous market share in these verticals—can the infrastructure support it? The Fordham Real Estate […]

Features Lead Stories

Ways to fend off caregiver distress

Caregiving can be overwhelming. To get through the ups and downs, resiliency can be learned. “People become sudden caregivers in at least two ways. Either they are thrust into the caregiving role due to the unexpected diagnosis of a loved one who has been, up that point, perfectly healthy; or […]

Community Lead Stories

County executives partner to procure electric vehicles

Westchester County Executive George Latimer and Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone announced Monday, Sept. 13, a new shared services partnership to procure electric vehicles, EV, in an effort to tackle climate change, reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, save taxpayer dollars and develop a shared services framework that will be […]

Lead Stories Sports

Huguenots fall in Broncofest finale

The Bronxville girls soccer team won its signature regular season event on Sept. 18, topping visiting New Rochelle 5-0 in the Broncofest finale. But although the final score may have indicated a one-sided romp for the Broncos, it took a monumental second-half surge for the hosts to come away with […]