Author: Jim Scova

Community Lead Stories

Westchester’s food recycling program makes impact

When Westchester County Executive George Latimer announced the launch of the Department of Environmental Facility’s new Residential Food Scrap Transportation and Disposal, RFSTAD, program, he emphasized that one of the goals was to design a program that would make sense, both environmentally and financially, for municipalities that were not already […]


Updated NY COVID numbers

NewYork update on the numbers: Total COVID hospitalizations are at 7,342. Of the 285,499 tests reported yesterday, 10,099 were positive (3.54% of total).

Lead Stories News

Latimer announces upgrades at county airport

When Westchester County Executive George Latimer took office in 2018, he pledged to find solutions to some of the most pressing challenges at the Westchester County Airport. To that end, Latimer announced that the upgrading of all the permanent airport noise monitors has been completed and integrated with the complaint […]


Applications being accepted for seasonal park rangers

The Westchester County Department of Public Safety is accepting applications for seasonal park rangers to patrol county parks this summer.  Applications are due by Feb. 19 and are available online at the Department of Public Safety’s web pages at Uniformed park rangers work under the supervision of county police […]