Impact100 Westchester, a women’s collective giving organization engaging women in philanthropy, just completed its eighth grant cycle. With 306 members in 2021, Impact100 awarded $306,000 to Westchester nonprofits, including two Transformational Project Grants of $85,000 each, four $26,500 Core Mission Grants and $30,000 in Focus Area Awards to four organizations. […]
Author: Jim Scova
COVID-19 wastewater treatment study updated
As of mid-May, the trends from a nearly year-long COVID-19 study at all seven Westchester County Wastewater Treatment plants collectively continue to decrease significantly week after week. These levels are as low as they were in mid-September of last year. Since early in the pandemic, the Westchester County Department of […]
New York State reaches 70 percent of people vaccinated
New York has reached its goal of giving at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to 70 percent of its adult residents, Spectrum News reported, citing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The benchmark has been touted by Gov. Andrew Cuomo as the magic number the […]
COVID rates plummit to new statewide low
Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Tuesday, June 1 that the statewide 7-day average COVID-19 positivity rate dropped to 0.65% yesterday, a new low. “New Yorkers are continuing to beat back COVID every day and as the numbers keep going down we are able to get our economy back up and […]
More than 1M digital vaccine passes issued
Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on May 23 that more than one million Excelsior Passes have been issued since New York State launched the first-in-the-nation voluntary platform in March. Excelsior Pass, which is now being utilized by venues, universities, stadiums and businesses statewide, is a free, fast and secure way to […]