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Lymeshield system installed at Edith Read sanctuary

Four LymeShield System products, from pest management company, JP McHale, have been installed at Edith G. Read Wildlife Sanctuary in
Rye to reduce the risk of Lyme disease.

The LymeShield System administers food pellets for mice, which include a vaccine against Lyme disease, so the non-infected mice cannot
spread the infection to ticks. The pellets are harmless to other animals and no pesticides are used. Ticks are not born with Lyme disease; they pick up the bacteria the first time they feed from mice and then pass it along to other animals and humans. The LymeShield product will help break the cycle.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer said, “Edith G. Read Sanctuary is a Westchester County Park gem, nestled along Long
Island Sound, which offers tranquility to visitors. The nuisance of ticks can hinder a visit to the Sanctuary, and with the installment of the
LymeShield System, I’m hopeful that guests will be able to enjoy this County jewel a little more.”

Commissioner of the Westchester County Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation, Kathy O’Connor said, “Our Conservation
Division is at the forefront of industry trends and the installation of the LymeShield System is another example of our staff’s forward-thinking
skills that help keep our parks’ environment healthy.”

Westchester County Environmental Health Deputy Commissioner, Christopher Ericson said, “Ticks don’t jump or fly. They stay low to
the ground and grab onto people, pets and wildlife that brush up against them. That’s why it is best to walk in the center of trails, take
preventive measures to keep ticks away from your skin and always do a tick check of your body when you are finished with outdoor activities.”.

The LymeShield System has been installed at the boardwalk, behind the bird-feeding station near the visitor center, in the meadow near the chimney and at the bamboo forest. Park-goers are still encouraged to take regular precautions and use repellants and do thorough tick checks after visiting wooded areas.